While Warrior has chiefly been a high-performing class throughout the years in World of Warcraft, players agree one spec is in dire need of some changes.
A discussion started by a player in a Feb.18 Reddit thread caused an avalanche of comments agreeing how Arms Warrior has been completely neglected and ignored compared to the two other specs. AWoW players labeled the Arms Warrior specialization as a “relic from the past” and could really use a rework in The War Within to feel fresh again and compete with other specs.
The Arms Warrior specialization is a truly iconic spec that portrays the Warrior class as a dual-wielding juggernaut that destroys everything in its path. While that might be the case in theory, and it’s certainly how the role-playing of this spec should work in WoW, it’s a bit different in practice.
As a spec that wields two weapons at the same time, Arms Warrior should specialize in dealing high single-target damage and have decent cleave while inflicting bleed on opponents. Even though all that sounds great in theory, players agree this spec needs more love and attention. Some interesting suggestions could make the Warrior class better than ever and completely revive Arms Warrior if implemented correctly.
“Lets get arms to use a lot of different weapons, give in crossbows, dual-wielded one-handed, two-handed, and let him swap mid fight,” a player suggested on WoW’s subreddit.
Given the spec’s identity, this unique idea could make Arms Warrior more fun to play and makes sense lore-wise. The Arms Warrior should be a master of weapons that can wield any weapon at any time, and this suggestion might just do the trick.
“I mostly just want them to rework or remove rend, I hate having to maintain a DoT on a spec that should be about big heavy weapon strikes,” another player added.
While the first suggestion would definitely be welcomed with open hearts, the second one is also important because Warrior as a class shouldn’t be able to do what Warlocks and Priests do best. Either way, we hope Blizzards finally decides to listen to the community and makes Arms Warrior great again.
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