Guests will come to your museum for entertainment and education, and increasing the Knowledge of your exhibits can help with this. You can start with putting Information Boards up about each exhibit, but what else can you do to increase Knowledge in Two Point Museum?
Two Point Museum Knowledge Guide
Guests in your museum are more likely to leave a positive review and a generous donation if they feel they got a lot out of their visit. Your exhibits must provide fun and information, encouraging every guest to spend more time and money in the museum. Over time, curators can increase Knowledge across the museum in a few different ways.
The first action any curator should take to increase Knowledge is to place Information stands near exhibits. Without them, guests wouldn’t be able to learn about the fascinating artifacts, fossils, or fish. Information Stands are available in standard, wide, or curved. The bigger the stand, the wider range they can cover. This is good to remember when you have many exhibits in a small area and don’t want lots of individual stands. As you level up, you unlock different types of Information Stands to fit your desired aesthetic.
You can check an exhibit’s Knowledge level by clicking on it and finding the lightbulb icon. This shows your current level and how many more Knowledge points can be achieved. So, how can you gain more Knowledge for individual exhibits?
How to increase Knowledge in Two Point Museum
Increasing Knowledge in Two Point Museum requires your staff to go on repeat expeditions to various places and pick up duplicate exhibits. Keep your highest quality exhibit displayed in the museum, and send your duplicate to the Analysis Room. Place the exhibit on the Deconstructor to have it analyzed by an expert. When the analysis has finished, you will gain one extra Knowledge point and a Perk, and increase your Enlightenment, unlocking special items and decor.
Each exhibit starts with a limited number of Knowledge points, but you can increase them by using a Knowledge Perk. This Perk gives the exhibit an extra Knowledge point space, giving you the chance to increase it further. Depending on the quality level of your exhibit, you can add multiple Knowledge Perks, increasing the Knowledge by up to three extra points.
It is always worth repeating Expeditions multiple times to gain high-quality exhibits and gain those extra Perk slots. Select a Detailed Expedition to increase the survey level and get to the high-quality exhibits faster. The trips will take longer, but it is worth it for the increased survey.
Next up, check out how to cure any Curses your staff pick up on their adventures, or find out what Expedition Cargo you can take with you.
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