Daniel Cain, a 23-year-old former Arsenal academy player who also played for Comets, Hemel Aces and Hemel Town and had retrained as an electronics engineer, became a tetraplegic in June 2020 after a night out with friends. Tetraplegia refers to impairment or loss of motor and/or sensory function in the cervical segments of the spinal cord due to damage of neural elements within the spinal canal, as per Physiopedia.
The Independent reports that Cain consumed a spiked drink which caused him to go into cardiac arrest, with devastating consequences for his body.
Friends of the Gunners youth player noticed he was “a strange colour” and unresponsive, so they quickly called an ambulance and proceeded to perform CPR.
The paramedics managed to get Cain‘s heart beating again after 24 minutes of resuscitation, but his brain and spinal cord were deprived of oxygen for too long.
Daniel Cain awoke after 25 days in coma
After spending 25 days in a coma the young man from Hemel Hempstead woke up and his cognitive function began to recover, although his short-term memory was significantly impaired.
“When he woke up he couldn’t do anything, he couldn’t move – he was like a newborn but nurses said he was following them with his eyes, so they said there was ‘someone in there,'” said Tracey Cain, Daniel‘s mother, when speaking to The Independent.
“He’s gradually coming back and is improving all the time. His long-term memory, things from childhood, he still remembers all that.”
Two and a half years later, Cain is at home with his family and needs round-the-clock care.
To try to get Cain to walk again, he is undergoing rehabilitation with Neurokinex, a treatment for which the family has to pay 68 euros per hour (more than 2,200 euros per month).
In order to raise funds to help Daniel with his rehabilitation, the family has started a GoFund Me.
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