help [command name] |
Print out all console commands or a specific command description. |
tag [Country tag] |
Changes the country that the player controls. |
event [] [Target country tag] |
Executes an event, can be used towards specific country. |
add_ideas [] |
Adds ideas with to the country. |
remove_ideas [] |
Removes national idea. |
gain_xp [] |
Adds experience to selected Leader/General/Admiral |
gain_xp [] |
Adds gainable trait to selected Leader/General/Admiral |
cp [] |
Adds Command Power. Maximum is 100. |
st [] |
Adds Stability. Maximum is 100. |
add_war_support(ws) [] |
Adds War Support. Maximum is 100. |
allowtraits |
Allows free assignment of general traits. |
add_equipment(ae) [] [] |
Adds equipment. Doesn’t support naval equipment. |
add_latest_equipment(ale) [] |
Gives player amount of latest equipment variants. |
addfunds |
Adds funds to all military industrial organizations (MIO). |
addTaskCapacity [number] |
Adds task capacity to all MIOs. |
addSize [number] |
Adds trait points to all MIOs. |
add_cic_bank [number] |
Adds Economic Capacity Surplus for the player in the International Market. |
whitepeace(wp) [] |
White peace with the specified countries. |
teleport(tp) |
Activates the teleportation ability. Right click a province with a selected unit to use. |
allowdiplo(adiplo,nocb) |
Allows to use all diplomatic actions for no matter the rules. |
debug_crash(crash) |
Crashes the game. |
instantconstruction (ic) |
Toggles instant construction cheat. |
research [ or “all”] |
Researches a technology from research slot or all. |
research_on_icon_click (roic) |
Research a technology when clicking on technology tree icon. |
sp_breakthrough [] |
Toggle show/hide all hidden techs. |
sp_breakthrough [ optional ] (sp_br) |
Adds special project breakthrough points for all facilities. |
sp_fast |
Skips the prototyping stage and progresses the iteration stage for special projects. |
sp_instant |
Autocompletes current special projects. |
sp_available |
Unlocks/Locks all special projects with unfulfilled research prerequisites. |
sp_unlock_all |
All Special Projects are always visible and available. Whether or not the triggers returns true, and whether the parents are completed. |
sp_research_all (sp_ra) |
Research all special projects. If no scientist exist it will create one, otherwise it will pick an arbitrary one. |
sp_prototype_reward |
Trigger a specified prototype reward during a project. |
sp_add_scientist |
Adds a generic scientist. |
sp_add_scientist [ (optional)] [ (optional)] |
Adds a detailed scientist. |
sp_add_mastermind |
Adds a generic scientist with all specializations and max skill level. |
sp_set_selected_scientist_level [] |
Sets scientist’s level. |
sp_add_selected_scientist_trait [] |
Adds the specified trait to the scientist. |
annex [ or “all”] |
Begin annex/annexes the specified tag. |
puppet [] [] |
Turns the target country into a puppet of the puppeteer. |
manpower [amount] |
Adds manpower to player. Default is 10 million. |
add_opinion [] |
Add opinion to/from tag. |
observe(spectator) |
Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game. |
tdebug |
Toggles Debug info. |
occupationpaint(op) |
Toggles occupation painting. If used with country tag occupies all of their owned, not-controlled land. |
setowner [] |
Sets state owner. |
setcontroller [] [province id] |
Sets province controller. |
xp [] |
Gives army, navy and air experience to the player. Can be used only once a day. |
pp(fuhrer_mana,political_power) [PP amount] |
Gives or removes political power to the player. |
fuel [] |
Adds fuel. Maximum is your current deposit capacity. |
civilwar [] [] |
Spawns a civil war. |
add_party_popularity |
Adds party popularity. |
set_ruling_party |
Sets ruling party. |
Focus.AutoComplete (fa) |
Allows national focuses to be finished immediately. |
Focus.NoChecks |
Ignores focus requirements, while also affecting AI. |
freefocuses (ff) |
Enables activating any focuses freely. |
Focus.IgnorePrerequisites |
Ignores focus prerequisites. |
Decision.FastRemove |
Shortens decisions to one day |
Decision.NoChecks |
Ignores decision requirements. |
instant_prepare |
Instantly prepares naval invasions. |
instanttraining (it) |
Instantly trains divisions and ships. |
nuke [number] |
Adds nukes. You can do either 100 or 1000. |
ai_accept |
AI accepts all diplomatic deals. |
add_core |
Adds cores. |
Agency.Instant |
Makes everything regarding agencies instant. |
Agency.InstantSlotUnlock |
Removes wait time between recruits. |
Agency.Autocomplete |
Instantly completes your agency upgrades. |
prevent_operative_detection |
Your operatives won’t be detected anymore. |
Operation.instant |
Instantly finishes all operations. Might also affect AI. |
deleteallunits(delall) [country] |
Delete all armies and fleets of the specified countries. |
deleteallunitsbut(delallbut) [country] |
Delete all countries’ armies and fleets, with the exception of specific country. |
add_autonomy [] [num] |
Changes a country’s autonomy level. |
resistance |
Increases resistance in the selected province by set amount. |
compliance |
Increases compliance in the selected province in game by set amount. |
add_intel [] [Country Tag 2] [civilian,army,navy,airforce]=[number] add_intel [] [civilian,army,navy,airforce]=[number] |
Sets the inputted intel the first tag has against the second tag. The set intel amount is a static value (the effect is permanent for the whole game). |
add_mines |
Maximizes owned naval mines in selected regions. |
acclimization [] [] |
Sets the selected division’s acclimatization to the specified climate type and its percentage (reduces penalties from cold/hot weather or temperature debuffs). |
debug_smooth |
Toggles framesmoothing. |
guibounds(gui) |
Toggles the GUI bounds debug, allowing to test for different window sizes easier. |
set_var [] [] |
Changes the value of a variable to the specified value. |
get_var [] |
Shows the value of a variable in the console. |
list_vars |
Lists the variables set in the selected scope and their values. |
set_country_flag [] |
Adds a country flag to currently played nation. |
set_global_flag [] |
Adds a global flag. |
list_flags |
Lists currently active flags in the console windows. |
trigger [] |
Checks if a scripted trigger is true or not. |
effect (eval_effect) (e) [] |
Executes a scripted effect. |
ai [country tag…] |
Toggles the AI on or off. |
aiview |
Enable AI debug info. |
human_ai |
Makes the AI control the country currently led by the player while the player also remains in control. |
set_cosmetic_tag [] [] |
Changes the name and flag of the named country. |
reload [] |
Reloads files. |
reloadoob [] |
Reloads orders of battle. |
reloadinterface |
Reloads the entire interface. |
reloadtechnologies |
Reloads the technology database. |
updateequipments |
Updates the equipment database. |
updatesubunits |
Updates the subunit database. |
update_loc [localization tag] |
Updates the localization tag file. |
error |
Opens the error log file |
goto_province [province id] |
Moves the camera position to specified province. |
goto_state [state id] |
Moves the camera position to the specified state. |
rendertype |
Reports what render backend is used. |
tweakergui |
Spawns a tweaker GUI. |
reloadfx [Arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename] |
Reloads the shader. |
particle_editor |
Spawns a particle editor. |
analyzetheatres(anth) |
Analyze theatres for errors. |
massconquer(massc) |
Mass conquer tool. Requires direct province names. Filed under developer only. |
aircombat(airc) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
Spawns an air combat in desired location. |
fronts |
Toggle visibility of the foreign fronts. |
ai_front_dump (aifrontdump) |
Dump AI front data to log file, needs to have a unit selected. |
traderoutes |
Toggle visibility of trade routes. |
debug_tactics |
Toggle visibility of debug tooltip for tactics. |
reloadsupply(relsup) |
Reinitializes the supply systems. |
deltat [] |
Controls animation speeds. |
building_health(bhealth) [] [] [] [] |
Changes specified building health. |
nomapicons |
Toggles map icons. |
nopausetext |
Toggles the pause banner. Helpful in taking screenshots. |
nextsong |
Changes the currently playing soundtrack. |
morehumans(humans) [num] |
Adds more humans. |
window(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name] |
Opens or closes the specified window. |
poll |
Polls valid Events. |
pause_in_hours |
Pauses the game after X hours have passed after command is called. |
testevent [] [] |
Tests an event without triggering it. |
resign |
Makes you resign from the game. |
add_interest [] |
Add specified country tag to your interest. |
remove_interest [] |
Removes specified country tag from your interest. |
add_diplo |
Adds diplomatic entroute. |
PrintSynchStuff |
Prints random count and seed. |
SetRandomCount |
Sets the random count to zero or arg. |
ai_invasion |
Toggles AI AI naval invasions. |
ai_pp_log |
Prints AI use of PP to log. |
ai_idea_desire_log |
Prints AI desire for ideas to log. For current country only. |
ai_force_template |
Force the AI to only spend army XP on template design. |
ai_force_equipment |
Force the AI to only spend army XP on equipment design. |
ai_front_id |
Get the address of selected group’s front debug ID. |
fow(debug_fow) [Province ID] |
Turns off fog of war, only within a province if specified. |
collision(debug_collision) |
Toggles debug display of normals/bounding boxes/collision. |
savegame |
Makes a save file. |
savecheck |
Makes a save file, then loads the save file, and makes a new savegame. Those save files should look the same. |
IP |
Shows your IP. |
requestgamestate |
Requests the gamestate from host. |
nudge |
Goes to the nudge tool. |
mapmode [Mapmode type (int)] |
Changes map mode. |
fullscreen |
Toggles full screen. |
prices |
Shows the information about price. |
debug_zoom |
Zooms in the game. |
debug_types |
Prints the data type for all dynamic reference objects. Can only be used if RTTI is used. |
debug_show_event_ID |
Shows event ID. |
debug_commands |
Prints commandcount to the message.log. |
debug_events |
Counts events. |
debug_dumpevents |
Adds event data to the game log. |
debug_diploactions |
Counts diplomatic actions |
debug_dumpdiploactions |
.Adds diplomatic actions data to the game log. |
debug_assert |
Toggles asserts on and off. |
debug_nomouse |
Toggles mouse scroll or wheel on and off. |
debug_terrain |
Toggles terrain on and off. |
debug_cities |
Toggles cities painting mode on and off. |
debug_water |
Toggles water on and off. |
debug_fronts |
Toggles interpolated fronts debug. |
debug_off_front_snap(dbg_fsnap) |
Toggles offensive fronts snapping debug. |
debug_borders |
Toggles borders on and off. |
debug_trees |
Toggles trees on and off. |
debug_rivers |
Toggles rivers on and off. |
debug_postfx |
Toggles PostFX on and off. |
debug_sky |
Toggles Sky on and off. |
debug_bloom |
Toggles Bloom on and off. |
debug_tooltip |
Toggles tooltips on and off. |
flagsoutput [] |
Creates texture atlas files from memory. |
cityreload |
Reloads the cities. |
version |
Shows current game version. |
debug_nogui |
Toggles GUI on and off. |
debug_volume [] |
Modifies music volume. |
debug_lockcamera |
Toggles camera lock on and off. |
debug_lines |
Toggles debug lines. |
debug_entities |
Toggles debug entities. |
debug_info |
Toggles debug info. |
debug_particle |
Toggles particles debug info. |
debug_ai_budget [CountryTag] |
Shows AI budget. |
debug_textures |
Writes texture info to debug log. |
debug_texture |
Draws textures. |
debug_wireframe |
Toggles forced wireframe on and off. |
debug_achievements_clear |
Clears all achievements and user stats. Only for developers. |
moveunit [] [] |
Moves an unit to a province. |
spawnactor [] [] [ OPTIONAL] |
Spawns an actor, with the animation being optional. |
cameraclamp |
Toggles the camera clamping. |
provtooltipdebug(tdebug) |
Toggles the debug info in province tooltip. |
reloadweather [] |
Reload and regenerates weather. |
weather |
Toggles weather simulation. |
debug_air_vs_land(dbg_cas) |
Toggles debug mode for air vs land combat. |
mapnames |
Toggles map names. |
gbreload |
Reloads gradient borders. Only for developers. |
gbpaint [layer] [channel] |
Toggles gradient border painting. |
profilelog |
Prints profiling information into time.log. |
run |
Runs the specified file. |
trigger_docs(effect_docs, scripting_docs, docs) |
Prints docs for triggers, effects and so on to game.log file. |
3dstats |
Toggles 3D Stats. |
hdr |
Toggles HDR. |
hdr_debug |
Toggles HDR debugging. |
srgb |
Toggles sRGB. |
PostEffectVolumes.Default [posteffect_values name] |
Toggles default post effect values. |
night |
Toggles night. |
filewatcher |
Toggles filewatcher. |
createlean |
Creates LEAN textures. |
helplog |
Prints out all console commands to game.log file. |
helphelp |
Double Rainbow help. |
hsv |
Converts RGB to HSV. |
tag_color |
Tests setting a country’s color. |
browser [url] |
Shows browser window. |
browser_base_url [url] |
Sets browser base URL. |
airealism |
Enables realistic AI. Ultimately useless since doesn’t work in multiplayer, while chat is forbidden in single player. |
instant_wargoal |
Allows instant justification of war goals on countries. |
allowideas |
Allows the player to pick any idea. |
release [] |
Releases a country or releasable nation. |
InternationalMarket.AddSubsidyForTags [] [] [] |
Adds a subsidy for the player to buy off from a specified country. |
random_seed |
Randomizes the current seed the game is using. |
eval_effect [] = { create_faction = “[faction name]” } |
Creates a faction with a specified name, |
eval_effect [] = { dismantle_faction = yes } |
Deletes the faction of specified country. |
eval_effect [] = { add_to_faction = [] } |
Adds a country to a faction. |
eval_effect [] = { remove_from_faction = [] } |
Removes a country from a faction. |
eval_effect [] = { set_faction_name = “[faction name]” } |
Renames the faction of the specified country. |
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