Delta Force, the latest competitor to the Battlefield franchise, has a wide range of weapons. By offering players a variety of choices, the game enables large-scale conflicts only found in the best titles.
However, not all weapons are made equal, so here is our ranking of the best weapons in Delta Force.
Best weapons in Delta Force ranking
- CAR-15 AR
- M700 SR
- SMG-45
- P90 SMG
- M249 LMG
- M4A1 AR
- AK-12 AR
Though they are in the S-tier, the weapons in this category are by no means the only good weapons in the game. I chose them based on their overall performance and how well they do in general use scenarios across the game’s multiple modes. The AKM is certainly one of the best assault rifles in the game, with a solid rate of fire and damage and great overall stability, handling, and accuracy.
The SCAR-H follows closely behind, with the likes of the AWM and SMG-45 being the best representatives of the sniper rifle and SMG classes, respectively. We also have the M249 as the Engineer’s most effective machine gun. These weapons outmatch most of the others on the list, but they’re not your only option.
- R93 SR
- SR-25 MR
- AKS-74 AR
- M1014 SG
- K416 AR
- Vector SMG
- M250 GMG
- Mini-14 MR
What the A-tier lacks in overall use scenarios, it makes up for with specialized advantages compared to the S-tier guns. We have a couple of marksman rifles, semi-automatic alternatives to the sniper rifle category, which I consider to be a tad worse, but not by much. The SKS and the Mini-14 are fantastic choices, with high range, solid damage, and surprisingly high rates of fire, considering they’re semi-automatic options.
The AKS-74 is a fantastic choice of assault rifle for players who love running and gunning and need that extra mobility, while the Uzi is incredibly fast and agile and one of the better options for Supports. The R93 and SVD snipers are also in here since they both offer a ton of versatility to sniper players, though the AWM and M700 generally outmatch them in most cases.
- M16A4 AR
- M870 SG
- SV-98 SR
- SG552 AR
- Vityaz SMG
- CL-19 AR
- QBZ95-1 AR
- PTR-32 AR
I found the B-tier lacking in several aspects, though some of them here are still highly usable and great options for many players. One such weapon is the AUG, which, though it’s not as great as some other assault rifles on this list, is still a perfectly viable weapon. When kitted out with several calibrated attachments, its effectiveness grows significantly, and it turns into more of an A-tier weapon than a B-tier one. Still, it requires a lot of time to put into the weapon, which is a general detriment.
Another effective weapon is the M870 shotgun, which I think is one of the best shotguns in the entire game. Its drawback is the slow rate of fire on the account of its being a pump-action shotgun rather than a semi-automatic one like the M1014. Even so, it is absolutely brutal in close-quarter encounters, which are bound to be plentiful in game modes such as the King of the Hill, where players get up close and personal more often than in the other Battlefield-esque modes.
- PSG-1 MR
- Bizon SMG
- AS Val
- S12K SG
- M7 BR
- G3 BR
The C-tier weapons lack damage, range, or other aspects, and I simply had no fun using them. A couple are still perfectly usable, though you’d be doing yourself a disservice by taking them over something else. The Bizon SMG is a solid weapon, though it is enough removed from either the Uzi or the SMG-45 and performs worse than they do in general. The MP7, too, is usable and quite modifiable, but modifications require a lot of gameplay for little return on your investment.
The G3 battle rifle is also a viable option for players looking to get into the battle rifle category, though I’d advise you to move on to greener pastures such as the SCAR-H when it becomes available. Trust me on that one.
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