The latest League of Legends patch promises to shake up things after the First Stand professional tournament. With how the recent changes have been represented at the professional level, Riot Games is back for another round of balance changes to shake things up. Here’s everything to look forward to in League 25.06.
When does LoL Patch 25.06 release?
League updates are usually released on Wednesdays, and Patch 25.06 is scheduled for release on March 19. The official release times across all regions are not confirmed, but based on previous release schedules we can provide expected release times for each region:
- 3pm CT (NA)
- 5am GMT (EU West)
- 3am CET (EU North East)
- 8am KR (Korea)
What’s in LoL Patch 25.06
League Patch 25.06 contains a handful of major reworks, most notably for Naafiri. Singed and Gwen are also receiving some major changes. There are a handful of buffs and targeted nerfs towards overperformers like Darius jungle, which had recently been gaining a lot of popularity. Last but not least, the system changes intend to eliminate losing team bounties and Your Shop will also be making a comeback. Let’s go over everything to look forward to in League 25.06.
Naafiri rework
Naafiri has been in a pretty bad spot for quite a while now and Riot has decided another rework is what’s needed to bring her back into the spotlight. Her W and R have been swapped, and how the ability functions has also been rebalanced. Her packmates have been buffed and her playstyle is now much more focused on playing around them while she herself becomes a bit more squishy and easier to deal with if caught.
Base Stats (Nerf)
- HP per level reduced from 120 to 105.
- Base armor reduced from 30 to 28.
[P] We Are More Adjustments
- Maximum Packmates increased from 2/3 (based on levels 1/9) to 2/3/4/5 (based on levels 1/9/12/15).
- Packmate Adjustments:
- AD reduced from 12-32 (+5 percent Naafiri’s bonus AD) to 8-20 (based on levels 1-18, linear) (+4 percent Naafiri’s bonus AD).
- Turret damage ratio increased from 25 percent to 50 percent.
- Monster damage ratio increased from 100 percent to 175 percent.
- Aggro duration reduced from three seconds to two seconds.
- HP reduced from 80-352 to 80-301 (based on levels 1-18, higher later).
- Area of effect damage reduction ratio reduced from 76-50 percent (based on levels 1-14, linear) to 75-40 percent (based on levels 1-15, linear).
[Q] Darkin Daggers Adjustments
- Base damage reduced from 35/45/55/65/75 to 30/40/50/60/70.
- Bleeding target bonus base damage reduced from 30/45/60/75/90 to 25/40/55/70/85.
- Minion damage ratio increased from 60 percent to 70 percent.
[W] The Call of the Pack (Replacing Hounds’ Pursuit) Adjustments
- Old [R] is replacing [W].
- No longer grants bonus cast range to [R/W] Hounds’ Pursuit, shield on damage, nor resets shield on first takedown, nor reveals area on cast.
- Now grants untargetability for 1 second on cast to Naafiri and her Packmates (including turrets).
- Extra Packmates summoned reduced from 2/3/4 to 2 flat.
- Extra Packmate and bonus AD duration reduced from 15 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Bonus AD adjusted from 5/15/25 (+8/16/24 percent bonus AD) to 0 (+20 percent total AD).
- Bonus movement speed reduced from 70/85/100 percent (decays over duration and is reduced after taking damage) to 20/22.5/25/27.5/30 percent (no decay).
- Bonus movement speed duration increased from four seconds to five seconds.
- Cooldown reduced from 120/110/100 seconds to 20/19.5/19/18.5/18 seconds.
- Mana cost reduced from 100 to 60.
[E] Eviscerate Adjustments
- Dash base damage reduced from 35/50/65/80/95 to 15/25/35/45/55.
- Dash range adjusted from 350 always (500 maximum over walls) to 250-450 (based on cursor position) (650 maximum over walls).
- Cooldown reduced from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds.
[R] Hounds’ Pursuit (Replacing The Call of the Pack) Adjustments
- Old [W] is replacing Naafiri’s [R].
- Can no longer target non-champions.
- Will no longer stop at the first champion hit, and will not refund 50 percent cooldown if the channel is canceled.
- First takedown within 7 seconds now allows Naafiri to recast [R] for 12 seconds and reveals a 2100 radius area for one second plus any champions in that radius for four seconds.
- Second cast now immediately grants a 100/150/200 (+150 percent bonus AD) shield for 3 seconds.
- Cast range adjusted from 700 (+80/160/240 based on [W/R] The Call of the Pack rank) to 900 flat.
- Cooldown increased from 22/20/18/16/14 seconds to 110/95/80 seconds.
- Mana cost increased from 70/60/50/40/30 to 100.
Champion buffs
The following champions will all be receiving buffs in League Patch 25.06.
- Jarvan IV – TBD
- Jhin – TBD
- Kai’Sa – TBD
- Kha’Zix – TBD
- Lillia – TBD
- Lucian – TBD
- Poppy – TBD
- Smolder – TBD
- Twisted Fate – TBD
- Xin Zhao – TBD
Champion nerfs
The following champions will be receiving nerfs.
- Caitlyn – TBD
- Corki – TBD
- Darius (Jungle) – TBD
- Draven – TBD
- Ezreal – TBD
- Garen – TBD
- Jinx – TBD
- Karma – TBD
- Master Yi – TBD
Champion Adjustments
Gwen is taking on a bit more of a scaling role with her numbers being toned down but her scaling numbers receiving some more power.
Base Stats
- Base HP increased from 620 to 650.
- HP per level reduced from 115 to 110.
[P] Thousand Cuts (Nerf)
- Target’s max HP damage AP ratio reduced from +0.6 percent per 100 AP to 0.55 percent per 100 AP.
- Monster damage base cap reduced from 10 to 5.
[Q] Snip Snip! (Buff)
- Final snip base damage increased from 60/85/110/135/160 to 70/95/120/145/170.
[W] Hallowed Mist
- Bonus armor and magic resistance adjusted from 22/24/26/28/30 (+7 percent AP) to 25 flat (+5 percent AP).
[E] Skip ‘n Slash Adjustments
- On-hit damage adjusted from 15 flat (+20 percent AP) to 12/14/16/18/20 (+25 percent AP).
- Cooldown reduced from 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds to 12/11/10/9/8 seconds.
- Cooldown refund adjusted from 25/35/45/55/65 percent to 50 percent flat.
[R] Needlework Adjustments
- Damage per needle reduced from 35/65/95 (+10 percent AP) to 30/60/90 (+8 percent AP).
- Slow increased from 40/50/60 percent to 60 percent flat.
- Reduced slow on repeat hits increased from 15/20/25 percent to 25 percent flat.
Last but not least, Singed will also be receiving some major adjustments to his kit, notably his Q. This should make him feel more consistent when laning.
Base Stats
- HP per level reduced from 99 to 96.
- Base attack speed increased from 0.625 to 0.700.
[Q] Poison Trail
- Singed now gets full minion kill credit and gold on any minion under the effect of his Poison Trail, regardless of whether he last hits them.
[E] Fling
AP ratio reduced from 60 percent to 55 percent.
System Buffs
Warmog’s Armor
- Warmog’s is being adjusted to be more effective on income-tanks in the toplane rather than being poached off by supports.
System Adjustments
Your Shop returns
Fans of Your Shop will be delighted to hear that the beloved discounts for your most played and favorite champions will be making its glorious return in League Patch 25.06.
Anti-Lane Swap adjustments
- The strictly enforced Lane Swap changes have had their intended effect and swap rates have dropped to under one percent per game. However, the developers are still looking for a better, more elegant solution to this problem.
Losing Team Bounties
- Losing team bounties will be heavily adjusted to ensure that the winning team doesn’t continue to snowball off of easy bounties.
Serylda’s Grudge
- Serylda’s Grudge is being changed to perform better against tanky targets with high HP and Armor.
Read the full article here
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