Today’s LoLdle quote is a bit of a mouthful: “Arise, death, and greet the king who conquered you back!” While there’s at least a couple clues in there, it may be tough to figure out which champion says these words if you’re not familiar with League of Legends lore.
Both the words “death” and “king” play into this champion’s gimmick, but there are at least a couple of other champions it could apply to. You may initially think it’s another League character like Tryndamere, since he staves off death with his ultimate and his epithet is the Barbarian King. Maybe you think it’s Sion, a resurrected super-soldier who’s defeated enemies of all sizes and standings, including a king.
If you’ve already tried either of those answers, though, you’ll know they’re both incorrect. For those of you who may still be scratching your heads, we’ve got a few clues for today’s LoLdle quote to help get you thinking in the right direction.
LoLdle quote March 10 hints
Hint 1: This champion is most often played as a jungler.
Riot Games lists this champion as a jungler in the League client, and the role makes the most sense for their kit. One of their abilities uses terrain to their advantage, allowing this champion to become camouflaged as they roam throughout the map.
Hint 2: This champion can control his deceased enemies.
This champion’s passive allows them to temporarily gain control of their enemies’ bodies. In this takeover, the champion can use their enemies’ abilities (minus ultimates) and items. It’s a powerful skill, but would you expect anything less from a king?
Hint 3: Riot released a book about this champion.
There’s only a couple of League-themed novels on the market, and this champion’s release was accompanied by one of them. If you’re familiar with the game’s books and their subject matter, this hint should make the answer fairly obvious.
If you’re still struggling with today’s LoLdle quote, though, we’ll go ahead and reveal the answer.
What champion says ‘Arise, death, and greet the king who conquered you back!’?
Answer: The champion who says “Arise, death, and greet the king who conquered you back!” is Viego, the Ruined King.
If you know Viego’s lore, this quote might make a lot of sense. Viego ruled over his own kingdom over a thousand years ago, and when his wife died, he spiraled into an obsessive longing. In an attempt to resurrect her, he triggered the “magical catastrophe known as the Ruination,” as his champion bio reads. Now, he roams Runeterra searching for a way to bring his wife back and leaving a trail of Black Mist and deadly wraiths in his wake.
How many guesses did it take you to get to Viego? Let us know in the comments below, and check back tomorrow for a new LoLdle quote!
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