It’s all about pedal to the metal with the new DRIVE system in WoW The War Within Undermine(d). While you can only use it in the new Undermine zone, players want to bring the DRIVE feature to an old Goblin zone—the Mirage Raceway in Thousand Needles.
A new discussion started by a player on a March 2 Reddit thread sparked some interesting ideas about the new DRIVE system. The DRIVE feature in Undermine(d) patch definitely took The War Within community by surprise—and now players are advocating for this mechanic to be implemented in the Mirage Raceway in Thousand Needles as well.
Since you can’t use your Dragonriding mount to fly in the Undermine town, your very own G-99 Breakneck vehicle gets the job done perfectly. While this new ground mount in the form of a Goblin car is only limited to the Undermine city, it’s a bit too fast, and players hope it will be implemented in the good old Goblin settlement in Thousand Needles.
This could be an amazing change to the game that could make Mirage Raceway the pinnacle of PvP racing and completely restore Thousand Needles as a relevant zone to visit once more.
“YES. PLEASE!!! I’ve wanted Thousand Needles to be restored to its former glory ever since they ruined it with the Cataclysm expansion. It was by far one of the worst zones affected by Cataclysm,” a player commented in WoW’s subreddit.
While this goes to show that the new DRIVE feature has immense potential, this could also be a great opportunity for Blizzard to fully revive some of the older zones from previous expansions.
“This is a good idea. There are so many zones that can be utilized. Thankfully, they’ve been bringing us back to a few of them bit by bit recently,” the top comment says in WoW’s subreddit.
The new DRIVE mechanic is without a doubt a very hot topic recently in WoW. Even though Blizzard has some things to address, giving players an option to PvP race in Thousand Needles is a huge opportunity to make the game even better.
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