Best Game Location matchmaking has officially been re-added to NHL 25 World of Chel.
This has been a very common complaint among the NHL community and will help players with their connection to games.
Thanks to your feedback, we’ve reintroduced the Best Game Location matchmaking option in World of Chel:
This feature will give you more control over matchmaking quality, helping improve game connections. You’ll now have the following options:
➡️Relaxed: Prioritizes shorter…
There are two options for best location, relaxed and strict. Relaxed prioritizes shorter matchmaking time while strict prioritizes better connection using the room leader’s location.
While this is a positive move we would have liked to see this earlier in the season while the population in World of Chel was higher.
We would still like to see match room size added to NHL 25 and/or to NHL 26
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